Results for 'Manuel España Arjona'

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    España vacía desde una perspectiva humanística.Juan García-Cardona & Manuel España Arjona - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-11.
    Este estudio pretende indagar en el trato de la España vacía; mientras que este asunto se ha tratado ampliamente desde las ciencias sociales, no se ha tenido en cuenta la potencial labor de las humanidades en revertir este proceso de despoblación. El cielo gira, documental de Mercedes Álvarez,trata sobre los últimos habitantes de Aldealseñor, un pueblo soriano al borde de su extinción. Además de ofrecer un novedoso enfoque sobre el problema del abandono rural, el documental de Álvarez ha convertido (...)
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  2. Carta a un joven filósofo.Manuel Atienza - 1995 - Laguna 3:179-187.
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  3. Viktor Lowenfeld: his impact on art education.Manuel Barkan - 1966 - Washington,: National Art Education Association. Edited by W. Lambert Brittain.
  4. The Aesthetic Theory of I. A. Richards.Manuel Bilsky - 1951 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
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    Bestiario epistemológico: metáforas zoomórficas y de otras entidades en la enseñanza de las ciencias y la epistemología.Manuel Alonso - 2017 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina: Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Edited by Cristina Ambrosini & Gastón Beraldi.
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    Lo bello y lo bueno a la luz.Manuel Augusto Berraz - 1933 - Buenos Aires,: Imprenta de la Universidad. Edited by Thomas.
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    El ojo de halcón: cuando la filosofía habita en los detalles.Manuel Cruz - 2017 - Barcelona: Arpa Editores.
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  8. A vueltas con la ponderación.Manuel Atienza Rodríguez - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:43-59.
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    Bitten by the black snake: the ancient wisdom of Ashtavakra.Manuel Schoch - 2007 - Boulder, Colo.: Sentient Publications.
    The Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient Indian text from the classic Vedanta period.
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  10. Crítica del gusto y formación del conocimiento empírico en el marco de la Dissertatio: un estudio histórico a partir de los materiales del Légado póstumo manuscrito y los apuntes de lecciones.Manuel Sánchez - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 39 (119):7-44.
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  11. Revisionism about free will: a statement & defense.Manuel Vargas - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 144 (1):45-62.
    This article summarizes the moderate revisionist position I put forth in Four Views on Free Will and responds to objections to it from Robert Kane, John Martin Fischer, Derk Pereboom, and Michael McKenna. Among the principle topics of the article are (1) motivations for revisionism, what it is, and how it is different from compatibilism and hard incompatibilism, (2) an objection to the distinctiveness of semicompatibilism against conventional forms of compatibilism, and (3) whether moderate revisionism is committed to realism about (...)
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  12. Responsibility and the aims of theory: Strawson and revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (2):218-241.
    In recent years, reflection on the relationship between individual moral responsibility and determinism has undergone a remarkable renaissance. Incompatibilists, those who believe moral responsibility is incompatible with determinism, have offered powerful new arguments in support of their views. Compatibilists, those who think moral responsibility is compatible with determinism, have responded with ingenious counterexamples and alternative accounts of responsibility. Despite the admirable elevation of complexity and subtlety within both camps, the trajectory of the literature is somewhat discouraging. Every dialectical stalemate between (...)
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    More than belief: a materialist theory of religion.Manuel A. Vásquez - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The rise of foundational dualism and the eclipse of the body -- "Body am I entirely, and nothing else": non-reductive materialism and the struggle against dualism -- Toward a materialist phenomenology of religion -- The phenomenology of embodiment and the study of religion -- Religious bodies as social artifacts -- Holding social constructionism in check: the recovery of the active, lived body -- A cultural neurophenomenology of religion: enter the embodied mind -- The eclipse of practice: textualism at large -- (...)
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  14. On the importance of history for responsible agency.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (3):351-382.
    In this article I propose a resolution to the history issue for responsible agency, given a moderate revisionist approach to responsibility. Roughly, moderate revisionism is the view that a plausible and normatively adequate theory of responsibility will require principled departures from commonsense thinking. The history issue is whether morally responsible agency – that is, whether an agent is an apt target of our responsibility-characteristic practices and attitudes – is an essentially historical notion. Some have maintained that responsible agents must have (...)
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    Time and Indexicality in Buridan’s Concept of Logical Consequence.Manuel A. Dahlquist - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (4):374-397.
    Jean Buridan developed his theory of consequence within a semantical framework compatible with what we now call token-based semantics. In his Treatise on Consequences and Sophismata, Buridan showed...
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    Suffering is not enough: Assisted dying for people with mental illness.Manuel Trachsel & Ralf J. Jox - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (5):519-524.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 5, Page 519-524, June 2022.
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    Concerning the concept of transcendence.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (4):610-612.
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    A génese do idealismo alemão: actas.Manuel J. Carmo Ferreira (ed.) - 2000 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Ciencia, tecnología/naturaleza, cultura en el siglo XXI.Manuel Medina & Teresa Kwiatkowska (eds.) - 2000 - [México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
    Esta publicación tiene por objeto situar las coordenadas de ciencia, tecnología, naturaleza y cultura en el estado del mundo a las puertas del tercer milenio y discutir las perspectivas y los retos con los que previsiblemente se va a encontrar nuestro futuro, así como analizar posibilidades de intervenir adecuadamente en el mismo.
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  20. Sobreveniencia. Un Caso de Ingeniería Conceptual; Supervenience. A case of Conceptual Engineering.Manuel Liz - 2009 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 42:243 - 260.
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    Teoria del derecho.Manuel Segura Ortega - 1991 - [Madrid]: Centro de Estudios Ramon Areces.
  22. Mereología y ontología: condiciones de identidad de objetos compuestos.Manuel Pérez Otero - 1997 - Agora 16 (1):111-129.
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  23. El tomismo ante la filosofía crítica.Manuel R. Outumuro - 1960 - Verdad y Vida 18 (71):495-511.
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  24. Japón-cristianismo: Dos lógicas diferenciadas, un mismo ser humano. Diálogo interreligioso en la nueva civilización del siglo XXI.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2010 - Cauriensia 5:93-131.
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  25. Scholastica colonialis: el contexto curricular de los misioneros franciscanos extremeños.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2011 - Cauriensia 6:147-167.
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  26. Filosofía, sociología y análisis de la actualidad en Jürgen Habermas.Manuel Jiménez Redondo - 2002 - Laguna 11:93-122.
    El trabajo intenta proporcionar una visión global de la obra de Habermas, situando su "teoría crítica" en el contexto de las sociedades democrático-liberales centroeuropeas de posguerra. Asentada en los supuestos económicos socialdemócratas o keynesianos, la teoría de Habermas se entiende como una crítica interna de esas sociedades. El análisis de Habermas se refiere a los problemas de integración sistémica e integración social de dichas sociedades y a los problemas de "colonización del mundo de la vida", y extrae su conceptuación de (...)
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  27. Problemas de construcción en teoría de la acción comunicativa.Manuel Jiménez Redondo - 1989 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1:133-158.
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  28. Vocación y Metafísica.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1956 - Sapientia 11 (39):117.
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    The effect of neighborhood frequency in reading: Evidence with transposed-letter neighbors.Joana Acha & Manuel Perea - 2008 - Cognition 108 (1):290-300.
  30. Libertarianism and skepticism about free will: Some arguments against both.Manuel Vargas - 2004 - Philosophical Topics 32 (1&2):403-26.
    In this paper I criticize libertarianism and skepticism about free will. The criticism of libertarianism takes some steps towards filling in an argument that is often mentioned but seldom developed in any detail, the argument that libertarianism is a scientifically implausible view. I say "take some steps" because I think the considerations I muster (at most) favor a less ambitious relative of that argument. The less ambitious claim I hope to motivate is that there is little reason to believe that (...)
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    Situação actual da Filosofia na Argentina.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1961 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 17 (3/4):340 - 373.
  32. La compasión en la tradición dominicana.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2012 - Ciencia Tomista 139 (447):123-146.
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    Czeżowski's Axiological Concepts as Full-Fledged Modalities.Manuel Rebuschi - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (1):103-110.
    This short paper provides a tentative formalization of Czeżowski's ideas about axiological concepts: Good and Evil are conceived of as modalities rather than as predicates. A natural account of the resulting “ethical logic” appears to be very close to standard deontic logic. If one does not resolve to become an antirealist regarding moral values, a possible way out is to become a revisionist about deontology: convert to intuitionism or some other kind of revisionism in deontic logic, and remain classical in (...)
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    Believing and Asserting Contradictions.Manuel Bremer - 2007 - Logique Et Analyse (200):341.
    The debate around “strong” paraconsistency or dialetheism (the view that there are true contradictions) has – apart from metaphysical concerns - centred on the questions whether dialetheism itself can be definitely asserted or has a unique truth value, and what it should mean, if it is possible at all, to believe a contradiction one knows to be contradictory (i.e. an explicit contradiction). And what should it mean, if it is possible at all, to assert a sentence one knows to be (...)
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    Epistemische und logische Aspekte des semantischen Regelfolgens.Manuel Eugen Bremer - 1993 - Aachen: Mainz.
  36. Putting philosophy to work: inquiry and its place in culture, de Susan Haack.Manuel Garcés Vidal - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):197-200.
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    El hombre nuevo.Manuel Osorio Calatrava - 1969 - Caracas: Progresa.
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  38. Introduction à la Philosophie.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (3):508-509.
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  39. Kant y Feuerbach: dos centenarios relacionados.Manuel Cabada Castro - 2004 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):157-169.
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    Los lugares de pensamiento.Manuel Cruz - 2006 - In Juan Carlos Couceiro-Bueno & Sergio Vences Fernández (eds.), Pensar en tiempos de oscuridad: homenaje al profesor Sergio Vences. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacions. pp. 25--30.
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  41. The Role of the Scientist in Saint-Simon.Frank E. Manuel - 1960 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 14 (53/54):344-356.
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  42. Leibniz und die Entstehung der Modernität. Leibniz-Tagung in Granada, de Juan Antonio Nicolás (ed.).Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez - 2011 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):182-185.
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  43. Communication Without Sense.Manuel Campos - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-2):5-21.
    Different authors of Fregean inspiration have argued recently for the need of resorting to senses in order to explain successful communication. Such arguments have led some philosophers to develop theories of sense which include some of the externalist insights brought up by neo-Russellians. In this paper, we argue that these theories of sense don't work. We also present a broadly neo-Russellian account that explains away Fregean puzzles on communication without resource to entities like senses.
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  44. La sombra de una evidencia.Manuel Asín - 2011 - Minerva: Evidence-Based Medicine pour la première ligne 4 (16):82-83.
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  45. The philosophy of law as a 'Regional' philosophy.Manuel Atienza - 2016 - In Pawel Banas, Adam Dyrda & Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki (eds.), Metaphilosophy of Law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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  46. 12 Ethnicity, democracy and economic development.Manuel Branco - 2006 - In Betsy Jane Clary, Wilfred Dolfsma & Deborah M. Figart (eds.), Ethics and the market: insights from social economics. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 161.
  47. Hartry Field, Saving Truth From Paradox Reviewed by.Manuel Bremer - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (6):404-408.
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  48. Philip Hugly and Charles Sayward, Arithmetic and Ontology: A Non-Realist Philosophy of Arithmetic Reviewed by.Manuel Bremer - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (3):188-191.
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    In defense of conviviality and the collective subject.Manuel Callahan - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    This essay takes up the question of a “new” social paradigm by first examining the recent emergence of the U.S. Occupied Movement (OM) as a provocative and inspiring moment of political re-composition, but one that also narrates a more complex unraveling of what W.E.B Du Bois called “democratic despotism.” The most recent political tensions and economic “crisis” of the global north point to the disruption of a white “middle class” hegemony alongside inspiring moments of reconstructed conviviality. I suggest that the (...)
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  50. Prensa gratuita y prensa de pago.Manuel Cirauqui - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 43:107-109.
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